Are you feeling the burn yet? Thankfully the wonderful people who built the stairs included some small seats and viewing platforms to check out the Southern Wollongong views – you might stop to check the view, or recover, no one’s judging here.
This large staircase is a terrific training option, run them five or so times if you really want to ramp up your workout. They’re steady and wide, so perfect for few sprints.
Or just crawl up them, once again – no one’s judging!
What’s the big silver thingy?!
The path continues to one of Wollongong’s most infamous art installations – think tongues wagging like the elevated palms in the mall!
Love it or hate it – the Herbert Flugelman “Winged Figure” is a monument to commemorate Lawrence Hargreaves.
Erected in 1988, it was a big event at the time and certainly still stands tall and shiny, as impressive as the day it was grounded in this place.
Despite the controversy this piece created, I must admit up close it is spectacular – whether it was the late afternoon light or the light-headedness after the many stairs – I was impressed.
Besides the obvious size, the stainless steel with the greenery and magic blue sky, this is a truly angelic feature that complements the beautiful lookout.