If you’re interested in natural sunscreens, which use zinc as a physical UV blocker and there are some great natural sunscreen products available now – some include Wotnot, Moogoo and Invisible Zinc.
Always check the one you are looking at is TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration] approved, water resistant, SPF 30 or above, and broad spectrum.
But we’ve seen sunscreens that are less than SPF30. Why should it be a minimum of SPF30?
From what we understand, The Cancer Council has shared research that shows SPF30 sunscreen filters 96.7% of UV radiation and SPF50 filters 98% – they’re pretty good numbers!
And what is ‘broad spectrum ‘and why is it important?
Well, it seems there are two types of UV radiation – UVA and UVB. UVA penetrates deep into the skin, affecting living cells that lie under the skin’s surface causing long-term damage like wrinkles and sagging, and it also contributes to skin cancer.
UVB radiation penetrates the top layer of skin and is the main cause of skin damage and skin cancer. Broad spectrum sunscreen filters both UVA and UVB.
And FYI:
The Cancer Council warns against using aerosol sunscreens as the amount you need to ensure adequate protection is quite large, sometimes using half the bottle for one application which can work out to be quite expensive.
That’s why we like the pump pack options.
What about for kids?
Go for something with a handy pump top and a non-greasy formula so it is easy to apply.