Poseidon Equine was created by Linda Lord, the proud owner of 12 horses, with over 40 years of riding, training, breeding and competing experience across various disciplines.
In Linda’s words, here is the story of how Poseidon Equine was born.
It started with my own health crisis. I had previously suffered from encephalitis and over ten years later I was still having major problems with my health, energy levels and my memory and concentration.
I decided to look into dietary changes and learnt about gut bacteria and its link to health and emotions and when I started looking after my gut with my diet I was amazed at the improvement I then started to experience.
Horses have always been a big part of my life, and I had always been keen to feed my horses as natural as possible. But I had one particular horse that I was having ongoing troubles with.
He was losing weight.
He had trouble getting the right canter lead.
He would grind his teeth and tilt his head.
He even randomly one day bolted out from underneath my daughter, putting her in the hospital.
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