Since 1990 South Coast Imaging for women has been at the forefront of obstetric and gynaecologic imaging. We are recognised as being experts in women’s imaging and are referred patients by local specialists and general practitioners and as a result we have been providing professional medical imaging services to women of all ages within the South Coast community.
South Coast Ultrasound for Women – Shellharbour offers a complete service in the field of Obstetric and Gynaecologic ultrasound utilising state of the art imaging technology, highly trained diagnostic medical sonographers and Obstetrician Gynaecologists committed to clinical excellence.
Our Services
With a team of specialised Obstetrician Gynaecologists, specialised sonographers and support staff combined with the latest technology ensure you received the highest standard of care and imaging in a modern professional and comfortable environment.
Your formal clinical report for your examination will be conveyed directly to the referring doctor and any other relevant practitioners that you may request. If a report is required urgently please let the reception staff know and they will expedite delivery of the report.
The images from your examination can be provided as a hard copy on paper or digitally via email or directly to your phone.
Pregnancy Planning
Follicle Tracking
– Dating & Early Pregnancy Assessment
– Early Structural Assessment
– Nuchal Translucency Examination
– Invasive Prenatal Testing
– Morphology Examination
– Growth & Well-being Examination
– Pregnancy Day Assessment
– Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS)
– Pelvic Ultrasound
– 3D Gynaecology Ultrasound
– Assessment of Endometriosis
– Sonohysterography
– Tubal Patency Assessment (HyCoSy)
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Contact: South Coast Ultrasound for Women - Shellharbour