Worker shortages mean that supporting your staff to stay well has never been more important or easier. That’s why an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), an independent, confidential and free to the employee counselling service, is a proactive and preventative approach for workplace mental and emotional health.
An EAP gives you access to a fully trained counsellor who specialises in work places at Unlocking You Counselling, for as little as $12 per employee per month
About Brad
Brad is a Registered Counsellor with the Australian Counselling Association &
Verified by Psychology Today. He is also an educator and facilitator.
Since 2012, Brad has been helping people deal with the big issues. You name it; falling grades at school, relationship difficulties, stalled careers or just general unhappiness.
Now an accredited counsellor who is registered with the Australian Counselling Association, Brad has an interest in helping people unlock their potential to lead more meaningful lives. And often, he says, that starts with their thinking.
“One of the main issues that gets people stuck and prevents them from leading happier lives is self-talk and patterns of thinking,” Brad says. “The first thing you have to understand is that it is possible to change your ideas about yourself and live above your circumstances.”
Brad says it’s normal to face challenges from time to time and encourages people to reach out if they are not coping with big emotions or circumstances.
“Look, everyone gets stuck from time to time,” he says. “But having the courage to ask for a bit of help can go a long way. Sometimes we are not aware that we are stuck in a pattern of our own thinking that is unhelpful. Put up your hand when big life changes come so that you can embrace life’s challenges with confidence.”
He says that the Covid-19 pandemic has meant many people are facing unwelcome changes they never anticipated and this has caused them to rethink their priorities.
“There is so much uncertainty around and that can bring on an anxiety of its own. Schools have been disrupted, jobs have been lost and the world is changing,” he says, encouraging people who are struggling with these changes to get in touch.
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