At Bush Magic Adventure Therapy, we believe it is a children’s right to explore and adventure in nature, to play freely, to engage in the important work of childhood – play. We believe that this is a child’s right no matter what their background, ability level, age or diagnosis. We also understand the huge benefit that children gain over having mastery over their world, being trusted and feeling capable to take risks, knowing that they will need to experience the consequences of their actions, learning about their world and how to live in it and look after it.
Our philosophy is deeply rooted in respect for the individual and for the world we live in. Children are trusted to explore and learn what they want and need to learn and given support and resources to learn on their own terms. Relationships and connections are at the centre of our philosophy. Connections to each other, to the world around, to the plants and animals we come into contact with and to the wider community. We aim to inspire children to become life long learners who appreciate and care for their natural world and each other.
Without the ability to feel connected and part of a community, a safe base from which to launch themselves into the world, children become isolated, mental health, physical health and emotional wellbeing suffers and the results are not good for anyone. We are seeing this in the skyrocketing rates of mental illness in children and adults.
Play in nature has so many benefits – physical, emotional and cognitive. This area is well researched with more evidence coming out to support its importance all the time. At Bush Magic Adventure Therapy, children are given the freedom to explore and the support to learn and develop. Connections to nature and to each other are fostered and children not only benefit but they thrive in this environment. We believe that everyone has something to offer, we are all valuable and can have a role in the community. Children who may never have experienced success in other group settings are valued and given the chance to find and express their skills and talents. We strive for true inclusion, to ensure that everyone feels a sense of belonging and what it means to be part of a community.
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