The Dapto Chamber of Commerce has been operating for 55 years, supporting and bringing together the business community of Dapto. In the past few years the Dapto area has been in a period of growth. With over 5,000 ABN’s registered in the 2530 postcode, business is thriving and the Dapto Chamber of Commerce is holding a membership drive to help unite businesses for the common good. The Dapto Chamber of Commerce is led by a dedicated group of professionals committed to helping grow Dapto and it’s business community.
We believe in:
Promoting local businesses
Encouraging business innovation
Operating business with integrity
Growing Dapto into a bigger economic hub
Our vision for Dapto is a one stop shop where every service is available allowing you to reinvest in the future of our suburb.
The Dapto Chamber of Commerce brings the business community of Dapto together. There are a range of diverse benefits of being a member of the chamber including:
Monthly networking events
Promote your business
Gaining exposure for your business
Business referrals
Listing on the chamber website and a link to your website
Support and sense of community with a group of like-minded business in your local area
Mentoring opportunities
New member announcements at networking events and on social media
Support of your local business community when they are selecting businesses to purchase from
Business development – seminars and workshops run by members and affiliates
Monthly newsletter which includes grant and business opportunities
FREE membership to the NSW Business Chamber giving you free access to a dedicated phone service providing members with specialist advice on Industrial Relations, Legal and Marketing
Discounted entry to the Illawarra Business Chamber
Advocacy, Chamber lobbies government to ensure local businesses and community are heard
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